Wimbledon May Be Cancelled: German Tennis Official
Official Statement Would Be Given After Board Meeting Schedule to Held on Wednesday
Wimbledon may be cancelled, German tennis officials said in a report. This will be the first time this event would be cancelled since World War II. Wimbledon was scheduled to start on June 29, 2020. Wimbledon may be cancelled, according to German tennis officials the final decision would be taken by the board meeting scheduled to be held next Wednesday. The event will most likely be cancelled due to the current situation of the world as the number of infectious patients of COVID 19 is increasing day by day in Germany.
A total number of 63,929 individuals have yet acquired the virus out of which 560 have died, and the numbers continue to rise, which is not suitable for commencing an event with a live audience present in the stadium, which will cause a sudden widespread of disease due to which Wimbledon may be cancelled as German tennis officials are yet to make a final call.
Wimbledon Tennis Tournament
Wimbledon Championship tournaments are held every year and are the oldest tennis tournament worldwide, with its first event held in 1877. According to the schedule, this year’s tournament is expected to start from June 29 till July 12 and to be held in All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club.
According to the officials, the tournament would not be played behind closed doors and should be postponed until the risk of the further spread of the virus is controlled or completely eradicated from the country. Wimbledon may be cancelled; German tennis officials will decide next Friday, which is expected to be in favor of cancelling the event until the remnants of COVID 19 are completely eradicated.
Reason to cancel Wimbledon
Wimbledon has not been cancelled ones in all the years since the time of World War II. And the news regarding Wimbledon may be cancelled and German Tennis officials will provide an official statement next week, this would be heartbreaking for all the tennis enthusiasts around the world.
The players who are to arrive from different regions of the world could not travel to England to take part in the event due to the international travel ban that has been instated in multiple countries across the globe amid the coronavirus outbreak. Along with the players, no international audience would be able to come in the country to witness the annual event.
Postponement of the Tokyo Olympics affects Wimbledon
Due to the coronavirus outbreak which has affected 199 counties and territories across the world and more than 753,000 individuals have suffered through the virus with more load in mainland China and its neighboring countries, the schedule for the preparing of the Olympic event has been delayed for several months as the whole country has been placed under strict lockdown to prevent and limit further spread of the pandemic.
Due to the delayed scheduling of Tokyo Olympics 2020, a two-week window of opportunity has opened up in the tennis calendar in the period of July – August, but this would not be a feasible time for commencement of Wimbledon as All England Tennis Lawn has only two covered courts. It is not possible for the event to occur past late summer due to frequent rainfalls at that time of the year.
These decisions are made which are affecting the tennis federation along with the country’s economy, but it is necessary to imply these restrictions for the general public’s health safety as the COVID 19 crisis is affective the lives of many people in the ways they have not even thought about. Wimbledon may be cancelled; German Tennis officials are yet to announce the date of rescheduling of the event.
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