US Unemployment Reaches 26.4 Million amid COVID-19 Pandemic
The Partial Reopening of the Country Will Increase New Job Opportunities
A record number of 26.4 million United States citizens are currently unemployed due to the CVOID-19 pandemic. In the last five weeks, US unemployment reaches 26.4 million, which is directly affecting the country’s economy towards recession. The jobless claims are increasing every day, which is resulting in bleak economic data of the country.
The United States citizens are protesting against the implementation of strict lockdown across the country amid COVID-19 pandemic, which is escalating the unemployment ratio of thousands of companies. The stay at home orders is essential towards saving the lives of the general population against the potential life-threatening respiratory disorder.
Unemployment across the United States
The United States President Donald Trump has sympathized with the protestors against the lockdown amid COVID-19 pandemic and is planning to reopen the country partially in three separate phases, which would prevent disruption and chaos across the whole country. The US unemployment reaches 26.4 million as more people are being fired from their jobs due to the current shutdown of all companies and businesses.
Some essential shops are being opened, which contains requirements for daily living, including supermarkets, pharmacies, and clinics. All health care facilities are open throughout the day to provide the necessary treatment.
The general population of the region is suffering greatly as most people do not have the necessary amount to buy food and other household items due to no means of income as US unemployment reaches 26.4 million. President Trump, who will be trying for a second term in the White House in the upcoming elections in November, is working to restart the country as soon as possible.
He also applauded the measures taken by several Republican leaders of states as they are working towards reopening their economies, despite multiple warnings given by the Health professionals across the country as it could potentially lead to the second wave of COVID-19 which might be more devastating than the first.
During the first week of COVID-19 lockdown in the United States, 4.2 million individuals claimed for state unemployment benefits, and now after five weeks, the US unemployment reaches 26.4 million individuals, which is 16% of the total labor workforce of the entire country. To help prevent unemployment across the country, the government had created 22 million job opportunities for its citizens since September 2010, which has now abruptly ended in February 2020.
The United States suffered from the largest job decline in the month of March in the last 11 years, as 701,000 positions have been cut down. It has been estimated that more than 25 million people would become unemployed in the month of April, resulting in a severe recession of the economic growth of the country. Until now, US unemployment reaches 26.4 million, adding to the collapsing crude oil pricing, production and manufacturing, retail sales, construction, and home sales.
Reemployment in the United States after the COVID-19 pandemic
After the reopening of the United States, the job positions for 26.4 million individuals will reopen, but there is no confirmed chance that the people who were previously in a position will likely get the same job back. The US unemployment reaches 26.4 million in all sectors across the country, and the reemployment phases of these businesses will cause hindrances in the output of the company as they need fast employees to help restart the company back to their original position as like before the pandemic.
Across the world, around 2,672,133 people have been infected by the COVID-19 virus, out of which only 731,750 have been able to recover back to their normal health, but 186,912 unfortunate souls were not able to cope with the infection and died.
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