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BMI, Waist Size, and Other Ways to See if You’re Overweight

You've probably heard the term BMI (body mass index). It's based on your height and weight, and it's widely used to determine if you're in a healthy weight range. But as it turns out, BMI alone may not be the best way to size up your shape. Taking a Closer Look at BMI Calculated from a person's height and weight, BMI breaks down into four categories: Underweight: BMI below 18.5 Normal: BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 Overweight: BMI of 25 to 29.9 Obese: BMI of 30 or higher But how useful is this number really?…

Tasty Modified Snacks Work to Lower Cholesterol: Study

What if you could lower your cholesterol by eating foods that you like? A new study shows that when people were asked to eat “hedonically acceptable” snacks that contained ingredients known to lower cholesterol, nearly all of them did.In contrast, only about half of people asked to change their diets substantially to lower cholesterol followed the diet in a previous study.Neither type of dieting reduces “bad” cholesterol as much as statin drugs do, but the special ingredients in the tasty snacks “can rapidly and…