Iowa Caucus Results 2020

Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders lead the race in this crucial state

Iowa Caucus Results 2020

With 92 percent of precincts reporting, Iowa Caucus Results 2020 has been announced with the surprising number. Though, this surprise is not for those who already knew poll before the Iowa caucus. Pete Buttigieg leads at 26.5 percent, while Bernie Sanders is close behind with 25.6 percent.

Before going to other candidates and their percentage of votes, it is breaking news. Both these candidates were not favorites before Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren. Joe Biden, with 15.9 percent votes, is in the fourth place even after Elizabeth Warren, who is at 18.2 percent of the votes.

The emergence of Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg in Iowa Caucus Results 2020 is a fundamental change that is unprecedented before. The first black American President also belonged to the Democratic Party and it enabled a woman to challenge in the 2016 presidential election. Again, the party is going to set a new precedent given remarkably socialist and revolutionary beliefs of Bernie Sanders.

Though he stands behind Pete Buttigieg with 25.6 percent, it trails by even less than 1 percent. In another perspective, the third-place winner in Iowa is Elizabeth Warren, who also has revolutionary ideas. She has called for breaking large American multinational corporations. It also highlights the tilt of the Democratic Party towards the left.

Iowa Caucus Results 2020 sets the Direction of Democratic Party

The Democratic Party has indeed witnessed the fundamental change over the years. The presence and popularity of Bernie Sanders have grown a loyal base within US society that focuses on different issues. They advocate for healthcare and vow to end the increasing influence of multinational corporations. Even when Bernie Sanders was in fourth place, critics praise his loyal base. He does not raise funds for his campaign through tycoons and elites. He raises funds from individuals in the society who spend money on a cause.

[bs-quote quote=”It is time we had democratic socialism for working families, not just Wall Street billionaires.” style=”default” align=”left” author_name=”Bernie Sanders” author_job=”American Politician” author_avatar=””][/bs-quote]

The victory of Pete Buttigieg is also an unprecedented event as he is openly gay. If he is elected as the US president in the US presidential election 2020, he would be the first gay president of the US. On the other hand, if Bernie Sanders elects as president of the US, he would be the first president who has clear socialist ideas. Keeping things into context, if Elizabeth Warren is elected as US president, she would be the first who would not be friendly for large corporations.

Importance of Iowa for Candidates

It is the first state that holds caucus or primary to choose the presidential nominee. Before a primary in this state, people rely on polls to see who the best candidate is. Although this state has only 41 delegates out of 1991 required delegates to win the nomination, it gives momentum to the candidate. As a result, he starts getting favorable importance in the media and people start taking him seriously.

For the Democratic Party, the important is much more. The last four nominations by the party saw victory in Iowa. That symbolically means that victory in Iowa leads to the nomination. But before concluding, one should wait until later this February where the primary is going to hold in New Hampshire. Candidates have already left for that crucial state amid Iowa Caucus results in chaos.

Let us take a look at Iowa Caucus Results 2020. It is important, and it should be. But remember, it is the largely white state at 90 percent of its population is white. Largely rural state, it must not be diverse at all. Democratic Party is more diverse than this state. Liberals, Conservative African Americans, laborers, Hispanics, and many other groups are part of the party. The state does not resemble the Democratic Party’s diversity. More of its impact would be seen in the results of the New Hampshire Democratic presidential primary.