COVID-19 Causing Heart Diseases In Several Patients

Myocardial Inflammation Can Cause Long Term Life-Threatening Conditions

Myocardial Inflammation Can Cause Long Term Life-Threatening Conditions

According to the recent study that has been published in a medical journal named JAMA Cardiology, the pandemic of COVID-19 causing heart diseases in several patients, even if the symptom of the disease ranges from mild to moderate impact. This result has been concluded after doing a study of the sample size of 100 coronavirus infected patients, after which it was deduced that the deadly infection of COVID-19 causing heart diseases to further decrease the immunity and health of the patient.

Research study on coronavirus patients

During the study consisting of 10 COVID-19 patients, out of which some individuals ever sick enough to be admitted in hospitals and some percent of the sample group had mild symptoms of coronavirus for which they were sent home to recover. Around 60% of the sample patients had evidence which suggested that the deadly viral infection has caused myocardial damage, which is inflammation of heart muscles. The severity of heart damage can range from mild but can eventually escalate to become serious cardiac issues includes heart failure. This study provides clear evidence suggesting that COVID-19 causing heart diseases.

This research has given quite shocking evidence that has increased fear across the world. The very severely infected and acute coronavirus patients that are in the intensive care unit does not pose any cardiac problems, but most of the coronavirus infected patients with less severe symptoms but chronic infection might have drastic damage to their heart.

Even though this research might look scary at first glance, but if proper precautions are taken, then cardiac issues could be resolved before they escalate and become life-threatening conditions. This study regarding COVID-19 causing heart diseases in patients has compared the sample to a control group that has similar pre-existing cardiovascular disease risk factors but does not have the coronavirus infection. In the control group, about 40% of the sample group patients have shown signs of proper cardiac inflammation, which means that the increased burden of the coronavirus infection wasn’t high as it seems. However, the cardiovascular problems among the coronavirus infected patients are an actual concern for which healthcare staff should be on the lookout.

Earlier this year, China has done several studies regarding the coronavirus pandemic and its adverse effects on the human heart. According to a Chinese study, one out of five coronavirus patients that were admitted to hospitals had suffered from heart damage, and the injuries to the myocardial tissue tend to become severe according to the disease outcomes. Several studies have also shown regarding the COVID-19 causing heart diseases in infected individuals.

Heart damage severity amid viral coronavirus infection

Even though multiple studies have been done on COVID-19 causing heart diseases in infected individuals, no evidence has suggested the likelihood and lasting of the myocardial damage and what it meant in the long term life of the patient, for which researches are still undergoing. If the inflammation around the heart has persisted for less than six months, the consequences are not dire. There are high hopes that follow-up studies for the long term of coronavirus patients might be done to check if the myocardial injuries persist even after recovering from the coronavirus infection.

Multiple doctors suggest that the long term consequences of coronavirus pandemic could become life-threatening if not kept in check by routine full body checkup. Due to this, it could reduce the risk of myocarditis. These assumptions have been made because similar problems were observed in the SARS pandemic in 2003 and another ordinary virus parvoviruses, which have been known to cause inflation of myocardial inflammation. Amid the SARS-CoV-2 infection, the virus solely targets the receptors, which are found throughout the human body, including the heart, but no evidence suggests that the viral infection has caused any damage to the myocardial tissue, as it is a systemic illness, not a respiratory illness.

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