Cosmic Mystery Revealed by New Dark Matter Map
Around 100 Million Galaxies Across the Universe Have Been Surveyed for The Production of the Map
A team of researchers from throughout the globe have been able to create the largest and the most detailed new dark matter map regarding its distribution across the Universe. The results for this have been surprising as they have been able to show in the new dark matter map that it is spread in the Universe smoothly and has spread over a much larger area than the prediction of the current best theories regarding it.
This recently observed data appears to be in a slight deviation from the theory of general relativity by Einstein, as the new dark matter map now poses to be a conundrum for the scientists researching this. The results for the new dark matter map have been published by the Dark Energy Survey Collaboration.
Einstein’s theory could be wrong
Dark Matter is actually a substance that is invisible to the naked eye and permeates space. It is accountable for almost 80% of the total matter that is present in the Universe. The astronomers have been able to work out whether the dark matter is able to distort the light coming from the stars present distantly. The greater the amount of distortion, the greater is the concentration of the dark matter present in the area.
Ecole Normale Superieure, which is located in Paris, Dr. Niall Jeffrey has given tremendous contribution in the piecing of the new dark matter map together and has also stated that the result obtained from the new dark matter map could be possible pose a real issue for physics.
According to Dr. Jeffrey, if the disparity of the new dark matter map comes out to be completely accurate, then it would suggest that the theory given by Einstein was wrong. Some people might think that this might be a bad thing and that possibly physics has become broken. But if the finding from the new dark matter map is studied by a physicist, then it would be very exciting news for them, as it would suggest that they would be able to find out the actual working of the cosmic mystery of the Universe.
Possibility of new physics
According to the Professor at Durham University, Carlos Frenk, who is also one of the scientists that have built a major part of their workings on the previously conducted work of Albert Einstein along with others for the development of the currently used cosmological theory. He said that he has mixed feelings after hearing the news regarding the possibility of Einstein’s theory being wrong after the new dark matter map.
Prof. Frenk stated that he spent most of his life working if his theory regarding the cosmic mystery, and he does not want it to collapse after the reveal of the new dark matter map. Although the measurements were taken during his study are most probably accurate, and we all have to look over the possibility of new physics.
He also said that his stomach cringes at the thought, as the physicist does not have any solid grounds for further exploration due to the fact that there is no physics theory to guide them. The news regarding the new dark matter map has made him very fearful and nervous, as the physicist would be entering a completely unknown domain and does not know what they would be able to find.
By utilizing the Victor M Blanco telescope, which is located in Chile, the team of international researchers was able to make an analysis using 100 million galaxies which are present throughout the vast Universe, to be able to develop the new dark matter map that could possibly change the way we look at physics now.
The new dark matter map has been able to show sprawls of dark matter across the Universe. There have been numerous vast black areas of nothingness, known as voids, where the laws of physics might be work a little different from the rest of the region.
The region where there is a concentrated amount of dark matter present is shown to be brighter, and are called halos, due to the fact that right in the center of these halos is where our reality actually exists. In the midst of halos are multiple galaxies, similar to that of our Milky Way, and shining like bright tiny gems on the vast web of the cosmos.
Read also The Mystery Of The Universe