Blood Group O People Less Likely To Catch COVID-19 but A And AB Are At Risk: New Research Claims

Coronavirus Has More Severe Symptomatic Effects and Complications in Blood Type A and AB

Coronavirus Has More Severe Symptomatic Effects and Complications in Blood Type A and AB

A recent study regarding the effects of coronavirus infection based on the blood group of the patient has revealed that the individuals who have Blood Group A and AB are more prone to getting a severe infection as compared to those with Blood Group O.

Two completely independent studies that have been published on Wednesday has concluded that the Blood Group O has some sort of increased protection against the COVID-19 pathogen, reducing their chances of getting diagnosed with coronavirus and if they acquire the infection due to any reason, the Blood Group Otype will not suffer from such severe symptoms of the infection.

Severity of COVID-19 with respect to Blood Type

According to a research study, the individuals with Blood Type A and AB are prone to getting COVID-19 and with increased intensity and longer duration than those individuals who have Blood Group O and B.; the Blood Type is basically the presence of the specific antibody and antigen proteins. Blood Group O is the most common blood type present across the globe.

Out of the two research studies conducted regarding the seriousness of coronavirus on blood types, one of the research teams is from the University of Southern Denmark and Odense University Hospital.

During the study, all data were collected from the Danish health registry, and the sample size was over 473,000 individuals who have been diagnosed with coronavirus infection, while the control group contained 2.2 million general populations.

While examining through a large amount of data, it was observed that individuals with Blood Group O have a fewer number of coronavirus positive results as compared with other patients having blood type A, B, and AB in which the rate of infection was found to be similar in all three.

The small control group has provided an additional advantage in this research study. Denmark is a small and ethnically homogenous nation that has a properly functional public healthcare system and a centralized registry for all public data records for easy accessibility. The control group of this study is based on the whole general population, which provides a strong foundation for the study.

Canadian research study on coronavirus effects on Blood Group O

The second study has been done on the effects and strength of COVID-19 on Blood Group O and other blood types. This research study included 95 individuals located in Vancouver, Canada, who became severely ill after being diagnosed with the coronavirus infection.

During the course of treatment, it was observed that those in patients who have blood type A and AB required continuous mechanical ventilator as compared to Blood Group O and B, which suggests that they suffered from extensive damage to their lungs from the viral pathogen. Those individuals were also more prone to getting dialysis to remove toxins from their bloodstream due to acute kidney failure.

During the course of the study, it was also observed that those patients with blood type A and AB remained on a ventilator inside the Intensive Care Unit for a longer duration of average time as compared to those patients who have Blood Group O and B. According to the Canadian research team, this conclusion signals the greater severity and intensity level caused by the coronavirus infection.

The lead scientist in this study said that this study is of particular importance as the time passes during the coronavirus pandemic, which has spread across the world and has directly affected more than 38 million individuals.

As numerous individuals have survived through, the symptoms of the infection and exiting the acute stage of COVID-19, the society of scientists around the world should now explore other mechanisms which would help reduce the long term aftereffects and secondary complications caused by coronavirus on the patient.

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